Monday, January 7, 2008

Real (Estate) Drama

I got a call from my realtor this morning, who was supposed to hear from our sellers' broker this past Thursday to confirm closing for next week. Our realtor just heard from their broker this morning, and only to hear that 'the attorneys are handling the closing.' This would be all well and good if the sellers' attorney (a.k.a. one of the sellers and his criminal law firm) would actually return our lawyer's calls. I don't think they're moved into their new house yet and I think they're stalling. And, because they don't seem to have, or be, a legitimate real estate lawyer, it's incredibly difficult to deal with them. But our contract calls for next week and our broker told them (a lie) that our mortgage would expire and we wouldn't be able to buy the place unless they scheduled the closing for next week.

Our attorney was out sick today, but tomorrow D. and I are ready to play good cop/bad cop - I've been very nice to everyone but, if our attorney hasn't heard from them tomorrow morning, D. is going to call her and be as firm as need be to tell her to get a date, one way or another, and find out what our next steps need to be. I am going to then tell our broker to tell the sellers' (a lie) that she is going to be showing us backup apartments. I don't know what else to do, but know that the sellers need to be intimidated a bit. Legally, in the NYC area, closing is an 'on-or-about' date, but the family also has an option to rent from us for 30 days, so I don't feel like I'd be kicking them out on the street - they obviously want to stay comfortably for free in the apartment until they're ready to leave. Criminal lawyers from the Bronx or not, I'm ready to take them on... wish me luck and good advice.

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