Friday, June 13, 2008

We're pretty settled in, and have dealt with the joys of homeownership: our first bug problem (it was a small one - some tiny black beetles in one windowsill), our first temperature problem (while we don't regret getting rid of the huge, ugly, and moldy windowAC's left there, it's been unusually hot this week, but we keep fans going constantly and are looking into a portable AC), a few carbon monoxide scares (which have been solved by buying our own detector, and not relying on the old one left there), a realization that the smoke detector was sitting there without a battery for a month (so we put one in, then ended up replacing the unit anyway), a mini-electrocution (of me - D. later installed some new, updated outlets), and a crashing down (on D., luckily I wasn't home) of bedroom window blinds (I wanted curtains for the BR anyway - it's another project for this weekend).

Happily, the apartment isn't really the
Money Pit it sounds like above. While we're tweaking the problems, I'm also enjoying tweaking the layout and design. On a day off Monday, I moved around some foyer and living room furniture and, inspired by my friend who I stayed with this weekend, put out a bowl of coffee beans (cooler than potpourri, easier than flowers, and makes the room smell great). The bowl was given to us by D.'s grandpa when he moved out of his house - I had been looking to put it out but keep it in a safe place - and I saw him this weekend, also, so this was inspired by my Wisconsin friends and family:

We're also enjoying the area: our corner pub that opens its window-walls, biking Sundays on the Parkway behind our building, our walks to the train station, our local bodega, two
diners, and the neighborhood park.

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